
The referral is the initial engagement between EWM and you. The referral is the first part of our relationship building.

Time. Negligible.

Documents. None

Outcome. Move to Initial Meeting.

Fees. None.


Initial Meeting.

In the initial meeting, we will get a feel for your expectations and a brief introduction to your personal and financial situation. We will introduce ourselves and describe what you can expect from us.

Time. Up to 1 hr.

Documents. Who We Are and What We Charge (WWAWWC). Fact-Find Document.

Outcome. Agree on a Discovery Meeting. Email you WWAWWC and Fact-Find documents.

Fees. None.


Discovery Meeting.

The Discovery Meeting is where we dig into your personal and financial situation in far greater depth. The aim is to understand what you want from your future and set your objectives. We will work through your risk appetite and capacity for loss and look at your investment preferences. In this meeting, we will complete the Fact-Find we sent to you.

Time. 1 hr or more.

Documents. Client Agreement (CA). Letters of Authority (LOA). Completed Fact Find.

Outcomes. You will receive the above documents to be completed, signed and returned. We will work on your Recommendations Report (RR).

Fees. None.


Presentation Meeting.

Once the client agreement has been returned to us, we will arrange a presentation meeting. In this meeting, we will review the suitability report and talk through our recommendations.

Time. 1 hr or more.

Documents. Recommendation Report(s).

Outcomes. Sign Confirmation of Advice in Recommendation Report(s). We act on your behalf and implement the recommendations.

Fees. The 2% initial fee will be taken when the confirmation of advice is signed.


Ongoing Reviews.

Once we have implemented the recommendations, we will set up a review meeting to ensure the advice remains fit for purpose. We will have a minimum of 1 per year.

Time. 1 hr or more.

Documents. Recommendation Report(s).

Outcomes. Ensure the financial plan remains relevant to you and amend it if necessary.

Fees. 0.75% at the end of year 1 and annually thereafter.